Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sulfur Hexa-what?

Sulfur hexafloride is a gas that is five times denser than air (meaning mainly oxygen and nitrogen). It has some interesting properties, like the fact that you can FLOAT A FUCKING BOAT ON IT! But even more awesome than that is the fact that inhaling it has the opposite effect on your voice from helium; it makes your voice sound like Darth Vader. Of course, you can also hurt yourself in the same way as helium. Wikipedia offers this warning:

"Although inhaling SF6 can be a novel amusement, the practice can be dangerous because, like all gases other than oxygen, the SF6 displaces the oxygen needed for breathing."

Ignoring the ambiguous subject, this could more hilariously be written like this:

"Although inhaling SF6 can be a novel amusement, the practice can be dangerous because, like all gases other than oxygen, it is not oxygen."

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Who's the Man? I'm the Man!

We had our department ski trip last Friday and boy was I on fire! I had at least three totally hilarious moments, one of which was unintentional. Here they are in their hilarity:

One of my coworkers, John, was late to the bus in the morning. We tried calling him, but he didn't answer. Someone thought that he might be driving so fast he didn't want to pick up the cell phone. I said "Maybe he's driving so fast the cell phone waves couldn't keep up with him!"

Later, everyone was talking up how great lunch was going to be. I swear, it was like this lunch was going to be the end all be all! So when we sat down before lunch was ready, I said, "I'm going to be really disappointed if this lunch doesn't blow my pants off."

Then as we were eating lunch, a female coworker sitting next to me was pouring over a trail map. She said to me, "I'm trying to figure out where I've been." I thought she was asking me, so I replied, "I don't know where you've been." As I said it, I realized what I said and could barely contain my laughter. I looked up, and half the guys at the table were doing the same.

Friday, February 08, 2008

This Makes No Sense

AxAx: So there's some kind of weird math that was done
FxBx: more like gay math
Ed S.: more like weird gay weird math
FxBx: more like a gay dog that shits fractions
Ed S.: more like a weird gay fraction that shits gay dogs