Monday, September 23, 2013


Me: I have like 50 tabs open from all of this exploration
Me: if only i had time to distill the information into a blog post
Dan: /--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\
Me: what?
Dan: 50 tabs. graphic rep.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

On Secret Identities

[watching The Incredibles, when Helen gives her kids masks]
Me: You know, it's ridiculous that they think a tiny mask that covers only the area around the eyes would actually protect their identities. I mean, it's obvious who they are with the masks on.
Annie: [nods]
Me: Then again, all Clark Kent had to do was take off his glasses.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Work of a Senior Developer is Never Done

Ed: problem solved.
Derek: How'd you do it?
Ed: 1) removed coveo DLLs from teh build, 2) logged onto dev01 and removed all the coveo dlls from the bin folder
Derek: Congrats: You really are a Coveo master.
Ed: lol
Ed: problem: coveo not working. solution: remove coveo
Derek: Almost Zen-like.
Ed: How can you have a problem with Coveo if you don't even have Coveo?
Derek: Lolz.