Saturday, November 19, 2005

Safety First

(note: I don't think this is that funny, but my dad nearly tore a muscle laughing, so I figured it was acceptable.)

I came down to NJ with my girlfriend to visit my family this weekend, which is how I came to be watching the Matrix Reloaded with my dad. We turned it on just as the highway scene starts. My dad commented that the car manufacturer Lincoln (as opposed to the dead president) donated all of the cars used in that scene, 400 in all.

Well, you know that scene, cars crash into each other and fly into the air for no apparent reason but the Lincoln that Morpheus and Trinity are driving takes about 4000 bullets yet still drives.

So I said: "You know, this scene was originally devised as an advertisement for Lincoln cars. 'If you want a car that can take a beating, buy a Lincoln. If you want a car that randomly flies into the air, go somewhere else.'"

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