Wednesday, March 15, 2006

So I guess I should tell you...

I started my old new job last week. I worked a week, and it just wasn't a job that interested me at all. Meanwhile, my old company contacted me and wanted me back. So I jumped ship.

(Sidenote: if you can avoid quitting a job after 1 week, please do. It sucks on many levels. Not funny.)

So on Friday, what would turn out to be my last day, I was waiting around at 5:30 for the day to end. Suddenly, a coworker comes out of nowhere and invites me to grab a drink at the local pub. I try to politely refuse, stating that my girlfriend was coming to pick me up at 6. He insisted to inaugurate my joining by having at least one drink. No choice left, so I go.

We get there, order drinking, and he raises his glass, saying "Here's to your first week!" And I thought, "And my last."

What is slightly more funny is that I owed my boss $3 and I never paid her. Oops.

1 comment:

Klondike said...

Give $3 to your new boss...then you could claim to have performed corporate espionage.